Nestor Kampf
Professor Nestor Kämpf, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, was awarded the Antonio Carlos Moniz Soil Science Prize 2013. The award was given during the XXXIV Brazilian Soil Science Congress, on July 31, 2013, in Florianópolis .
The award is given by SBCS every two years, during the Brazilian Soil Science Congress, to a single professional who has, throughout his scientific life, contributed extraordinarily to the advancement of science or technology in Brazilian soil science.
Excited, the professor dedicated the award to his teachers and students. “I started my journey in soil science as an undergraduate, at the Federal University of Santa Maria, at the hands of Professor Raimundo da Costa Lemos. Living with him, the word solos became magical to me and has remained so to this day.” Encouraged by professor Raimundo, Nestor Kämpf went on to pursue a master’s degree at UFRGS, supervised by professor Egon Klampf. “It was an environment where science was breathed,” said the honoree.
Nestor Kämpf completed his doctorate in Fakultät Für Landwirtschaft from the Technische Universitat Munchen, in 1981 and his post-doctorate from Purdue University, in the United States, in 1997. He has been a full professor at UFRGS since 1970, always working in Soil Science, mainly with research on iron oxides. “I have always been fueled by my students’ thirst for knowledge, which is why I share this award with each of them,” said Professor Kämpf in his acceptance speech.
SBCS received nominations from three competitors for this year’s ACM Awards. Candidates are voted on by a committee appointed by SBCS Advisors. Professor Kämpf was nominated by the Postgraduate Council in Soil Science and by the Board of the Department of Agronomy of the Faculty of Agronomy at UFRGS.
Colleagues who nominated Professor Nestor Kämpf highlighted that he has exemplary basic training and great depth in his approaches to all the topics he deals with. “His vision and theoretical and practical knowledge about tropical soils and their interrelationships with management, sustainability and the environment constitute a great model for younger people,” they said. Generosity in sharing knowledge was also another characteristic highlighted in Professor Nestor’s nomination. He is the author or editor of four books, as well as several book chapters. He was the advisor of 18 theses or dissertations and on several occasions held the position of Director of the Faculty of Agronomy at UFRGS.
Professor Eurípedes Malavolta has always worked in teaching and research in the areas of mineral nutrition of plants, soil fertility, fertilization and environmental aspects of the use of fertilizers and correctives.
In his academic career he published 45 books and 70 book chapters, in addition to 850 articles in specialized journals in Brazil and abroad. He participated in several events abroad and in Brazil. He supervised 40 master’s and 64 doctoral dissertations in the field of Agronomy. He has received 11 awards and/or honors.