November 2016


January 2017

5th Minas Gerais Soil Science Symposium
5th Minas Gerais Soil Science Symposium
27/01/2017 @ 08:00 - 17:00

May 2018

Brazilians win Solo decade logo competition promoted by IUSS
Brazilians win Solo decade logo competition promoted by IUSS
07/05/2018 @ 08:00 - 17:00

The International Soil Union (IUSS) published in bulletin 154 (April 2018) the results of the competition for the logo of the soil decade (2015/2025), an initiative to increase awareness of the main roles played by soils. The winners were Brazilians Alessandro Samuel Rosa and Monique Lima de Oliveira. The competition was launched by IUSS last year and registered 22 competing proposals. The idea was to look for a graphic symbol capable of representing the soil's main ecosystem services. The selection committee was formed by members of the IUSS Executive Committee. The winners received a prize of US$2,500 from the IUSS Stimulus fund. Alessandro Samuel-Rosa is an agronomist, partner at SBCS, researcher in the field of pedometry and professor at the Federal Technological University in Santa Helena, Paraná. Monique Lima de Oliveira is a journalist and researcher in the field of sociology at Unicamp. According to the authors, the trajectory of human formation and development was the inspiration for creating the logo. “The child is the origin and the destination. We imagine an image that is as simple as a child’s drawing, yet conceptually complex enough to symbolize the multiple functions and services provided by soil.” Still for them, the complexity of the theme is symbolized by the exploration of different shapes and colors. The circular outer shape of the soil icon symbolizes the Earth. Samuel and Monique are married and were also the authors of the logo that represents SBCS' 70th anniversary.

March 2022

Live NRNE – Uso eficiente e situação econômica dos fertilizantes no nordeste do Brasil

April 2022

IV São Paulo Soil Science Meeting
IV Encontro Paulista de Ciência do Solo
26/04/2022 - 27/04/2022

Piracicaba, São Paulo Brasil

Núcleo Estadual Sao Paulo
2nd Northeastern Seminar on Soil Biology – Biological inputs: potentialities and challenges for the Brazilian semi-arid region
2nd Northeastern Seminar on Soil Biology – Biological inputs: potentialities and challenges for the Brazilian semi-arid region
22/04/2022 - 23/04/2022


Núcleo Regional Nordeste
Live NRS – What would agriculture be like without industrial fertilizers?
Live NRS – Como seria a agricultura sem os fertilizantes industriais?

07/04/2022 @ 19:00 - 20:00


Núcleo Regional Sul

August 2022

19th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC).
19th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC).
22/08/2022 @ 08:00 - 27/08/2022 @ 17:00

Foz do Iguaçu

The International Plant Nutrition Council

October 2022

XIV Brazilian Soil Classification and Correlation Meeting (RCC)
XIV Brazilian Soil Classification and Correlation Meeting (RCC)
Promoted by the Brazilian Soil Science Society (SBCS) and the Central-West Regional Center (NRCO), the XIV RCC will be held in the states of Goiás and Tocantins. The event is organized and coordinated by the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura (TO), in partnership with Embrapa Solos (RJ).

08/10/2022 - 15/10/2022


November 2022

1st Brazilian Soil Micromorphology Meeting
1st Brazilian Soil Micromorphology Meeting
AI RBMS aims to boost the use of Soil Micromorphology in studies of soils in Brazil, mainly related to the constitution, genesis, evolution and behavior of its constituents and respective spatial arrangements, known as microstructures, as well as pedological features, saprolites, sediments, paleosols and prehistoric/historical artifacts.

11/11/2022 @ 08:00 - 15/11/2022 @ 17:00


XIV South Brazilian Soil Science Meeting

December 2022

VII Northeastern Soil Science Meeting

May 2023

VIII Paraná Soil Science Meeting
VII Midwest Soil Science Meeting and IV Symposium on Plant Nutrition in the Cerrado
VII Midwest Soil Science Meeting and IV Symposium on Plant Nutrition in the Cerrado
24/05/2023 - 26/05/2023

Goiânia, Goiás Brasil

Núcleo Regional Centro Oeste

July 2023

XXXVIII Brazilian Soil Science Congress and the XXIII Latin American Soil Science Congress

November 2023

V Western Amazon Soil Science Symposium
V Western Amazon Soil Science Symposium
27/11/2023 @ 08:00 - 01/12/2023 @ 17:00

Itacoatiara, Amazonas Brasil

Núcleo Regional Amazônia Ocidental

December 2023

XI Brazilian Soil Education Symposium (XI SBES)