In its 75 years of activities, integrated and maintained by around a thousand active members, operating in all regions of the country, SBCS was responsible for profound changes in the Brazilian agricultural production sector, based on studies and research produced by its members in different national and international institutions.
SBCS is the most consolidated scientific entity in the area of Agricultural Sciences in the country, with a maturity that qualifies us to present the following proposal, having as its main justification the small number of pedologists existing in Brazil and a great demand for these professionals.
SBCS is proud to contribute to the success of agribusiness and family farming in the Brazilian economy and is committed to fulfilling its role in the dissemination and circulation of Soil Science knowledge.

Since its creation in 1947, SBCS has been a non-profit scientific and civil entity whose main objective is to bring together people and institutions in the promotion and development of Soil Science in Brazil.
The SBCS Statute defines its main purposes:
Promote and increase the intellectual exchange of those working in Soil Science;
Spread knowledge of scientific methods and rational techniques for the exploration, treatment and conservation of soil and water;
Adequate and standardize the nomenclature and methods of soil analysis, study and representation;
Stimulate the organization and formation of museums, libraries and databases specialized in Soil Science;
Collaborate in the organization of the Brazilian Soil Classification System in Brazil.
A Brief History
The history of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science (SBCS) dates back to the IV Inter-American Conference on Agriculture held in Caracas (1945), where the need to create an Inter-American Society of Soil Science was recognized, whose consolidation should occur with the creation of National Soil Science Societies. Based on this recognition and with a considerable number of professionals working in the area of soils, some participants in the 2nd Pan-American Congress of Mines and Geology, held in 1946 in Petrópolis, RJ, defended the need to group research and researchers on the subject based on more specific scientific meetings. This idea was widely discussed at the 5th Brazilian Chemistry Congress, held in Porto Alegre, RS, in February 1947, where a new meeting was set to create the Brazilian Society of Soil Science. This meeting was held in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, between the 6th and 20th of October 1947 and, at the end of the meeting, in the Conference room of the Institute of Agricultural Chemistry (currently Embrapa Solos do Jardim Botânico), the first General Assembly approved the creation of the SBCS.
To achieve its purpose, SBCS has held numerous specialized events and periodic meetings to exchange members, as well as to present and disseminate technical and scientific works on Soil Science. Since its creation, SBCS has held 33 national congresses and several meetings such as FertBio, Soil and Water Management and Conservation, RCC and, more recently, the Soil Education Symposium.
Registered memory
In 2005, professor Luiz Bezerra de Oliveira, from UFRPE, published the book “Brazilian Society of Soil Science, a look at its history”. The book records the memory of the creation of the SBCS and the holding of all its events until the XXX CBCS, held in Recife, in 2005.
In 2022, to celebrate its 75th anniversary, SBCS launched another book in the series about its history, counting, once again, on the dedication of a partner interested in rescuing and preserving its memory. This time, Julierme Zimmer Barbosa, professor of Soil Sciences at the
Federal Institute of Southeast Minas Gerais, sought the stories of the founders of SBCS, the pioneers who helped bring together people interested in the progress of soil science in Brazil.
The books can be downloaded for free by clicking on the covers or the links below.
The founders of the Brazilian Soil Science Society: a biographical synthesis

Gallery of SBCS presidents
Agricultural Engineer. National Center for Agricultural Education and Research (CNEPA), of the Ministry of Agriculture Founding Partner of SBCS.
President for the two years: 1947/1949, 1951/1953 and 1955/1957.
Vice President: 1949/195
Agricultural Engineer. Campinas Agronomic Institute, São Paulo.
Founding partner.
President in the biennium 1949/1951, Vice President 1947/1949.
Agricultural Engineer. Founding partner.
President in the biennium 1953/1955. Secretary1949/1951.
Industrial chemistry. Founding partner. Institute of Agricultural Chemistry, Ministry of Agriculture, Rio de Janeiro.
President in the biennium 1957/1959.
Agricultural Engineer. National Agricultural Research Service (SNEPA), Ministry of Agriculture, Rio de Janeiro.
Founding Partner and President in the biennia 1959/1961 and 1965/1967.
Agricultural Engineer. Institute of Agricultural Research and Experimentation of the Northeast (IPEANE), Recife. Professor at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE).
Founding Partner and President in the biennium 1963/ 1965. Vice President: 1953/ 1955.
Sócio Fundador e Presidente no biênio 1963/ 1965. Vice – Presidente: 1953/ 1955.
Agricultural Engineer. Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas, RS. Eliseu Maciel School of Agronomy.
Agricultural Engineer. National Soil Survey and Conservation Service (SNLCS), Rio de Janeiro. Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).
President: 1969/1971 and 1971/1973.
Agricultural Engineer. Eastern Agricultural Research and Experimentation Institute (IPEAL), Cruz das Almas. Federal university of Bahia. Embrapa.
President: 1979/1981.
Agricultural Engineer. Campinas Agronomic Institute (IAC), Campinas,
President: 1981/1983 and 1983/1985. Vice President and 1973/1975.
Agricultural Engineer. Soil and Water Conservation Coordination Ministry of Agriculture.
President:1985/1987 and 1987/1989.
Agricultural Engineer. National Soil Survey and Conservation Service (SNLCS), Recife and Embrapa.
President: 1989-1991. I Vice-President: 1987/1989.
Agricultural Engineer. Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRRS). Porto Alegre.
President: 1991/1993 and 1993/1995. I Vice – President: 1987/1989.
Agricultural Engineer. Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa, MG (UFV)
President: 1995 /1997. I Vice President: 1993/1995.
Agricultural Engineer. National Soil Research Center – Embrapa, Rio de Janeiro.
President: 1997/1999. I Vice – President: 1997/1999
Bachelor in Natural History. Agronomic Institute of Campinas, SP.
President: 1999/2001.
Agricultural Engineer. Embrapa-National Soy Research Center, Londrina, President: 2001/2003. 1st.Vice-President.1999/2001.
President: 1999/2001.
Agricultural Engineer. Professor at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco.
President 2005/2007.I Vice President 2003/200
Agricultural Engineer. Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
President: 2007/2009 and 2009/2011. Vice President: 2005/2007
Agricultural Engineer. Researcher at the Agronomic Institute of Paraná (IAPAR)
President: 2011/2013 and 2013/2015.
Agricultural Engineer. Professor at the Federal University of Lavras
President: 2015/2017
Agricultural Engineer. Professor at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
President: 2018/2020 2020/2022