Delineation of potential management zones for cowpea by factorial kriging and spatial Fuzzy C-Means of yield and soil chemical and texture properties

HIGHLIGHTS Maps of soil properties alone were not efficient in delineating management zones Factorial kriging analysis can be used in cokriging to estimate soil properties Factorial kriging and sFCM were efficient in delineating the two management zones Is possible to solve problems of multiple soil property maps with FK and SFCM ABSTRACT In precision agriculture, accurate […]

Saturated hydraulic conductivity and steady-state infiltration rate database for Brazilian soils

HIGHLIGHTS Mean values of hydraulic properties are presented for different soil classes and soil textural groups Fine textured tropical Brazilian and temperate soils reveal relevant differences in Ksat values An open database with soil hydraulic properties for Brazilian soils is presented ABSTRACT Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) and steady-state infiltration rate (SSIR) are essential and […]

O Núcleo Estadual do Paraná, da SBCS, promove, de 10 a 15 de maio de 2025, no Campus Rebouças da Universidade Federal do Paraná, em Curitiba (PR), a IX Reunião Paranaense de Ciência do Solo (RPCS). O evento terá como tema: “Diversidade, funções e usos do solo: desafios e oportunidades”.A organização está sob responsabilidade da […]

A SBCS celebrou o Dia Mundial do Solo de 2024 realizando uma live com a Sociedade Americana de Ciência do Solo (SSSA).A live, em inglês, pode ser conferida no canal da SSSA no youtube.

Cropping and soil management systems effects on soil organic matter fractions in diversified agricultural fields in the Cerrado

HIGHLIGHTS Vegetation diversity helps maintain soil quality. Soil organic matter compartmentalization can be used to evaluate agricultural systems. Water-floatable light organic matter was effective in evaluating ]soil management. ABSTRACT Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics can be significantly influenced by various cultivation practices, particularly under environmental and edaphic conditions that enhance and accelerate the transformations of […]

Drill cuttings from oil exploration improve properties of substrate and growth of Ipê-branco (Tabebuia roseoalba) seedlings

HIGHLIGHTS Substrates with drill cuttings were evaluated for forest seedlings. The addition of drill cuttings led to substrates with higher nutrient concentrations. Heavy metals concentrations in the substrates were below the toxic ranges. The seedlings’ growth and quality were improved by the addition of drill cuttings. A proportion around 2.5 and 7.5% of drill cutting […]

No início eram muito poucas. Com o tempo, as mulheres foram ganhando força e conquistando espaços também nas viagens para identificação de perfis nas Reuniões de Classificação e Correlação de Solos (RCCs).Neste ano de 2024, foram registradas 23 mulheres, quase todas nesta foto que ajuda a contar esta história de conquistas para as mulheres da […]