The FertBrasil Congress is a promotion of the Brazilian Soil Science Society and will be held by Rede FertBrasil, in partnership with Embrapa and Esalq/USP in Campinas-SP, between June 11th and 13th, 2024.
The event aims to be an important forum on the use and management of fertilizers and a space for scientific discussion about these technologies and the interaction between research and the market. The main theme will be “innovation in fertilizers and nutrients for tropical agriculture as numerous fertilizer technologies, adapted to tropical production systems, have emerged every year.
Thus, the FertBrasil Congress will be the space for scientific discussion about these technologies and the interaction between research and the market, involving topics such as: organic-based fertilizers, special nitrogen fertilizers, new sources of phosphorus for Brazilian agriculture, bio-inputs applied to plant nutrition, in addition to the global and Brazilian scenario on fertilizers and issues related to the role of new technologies in the relationship between fertilizers and the environment.