SBCS Newsletter January/July 2023
Solos Floripa 2023 will bring together soil science researchers from across Latin America
SBCS and the Latin American Soil Science Society promote, from June 30th to August 4th, the XXIII Latin American Soil Science Congress (CLACS) and XXXVIII Brazilian Soil Science Congress (CBCS). The event will have a fantasy name: “Solos Floripa 2023” and will be held at the Costão do Santinho Resort, a place full of history and records of the civilizations that lived in the Santa Catarina region.
The deadline for submitting works is now closed, but participants can still register until the start date of the event.
Solos Floripa 2023 will be carried out by the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina and will have as sponsors Mosaic Fertilizers, Fecoagro Fertilizers, Phico Terra and CREA of Santa Catarina.
Check out the Solos Floripa 2023 Schedule
Southern Regional Center launches book on Soil Physics
The Soil Physics book is part of a joint effort by members of the SBCS Southern Regional Center. The chapters present the basic concepts and relationships concerning the physical conditions of soils, focusing on regional and national research results, without losing the consolidated global concept.
The content contributes to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching by facilitating the understanding and perfect definition of the characteristic, property or process, as well as access to the bibliographic reference made available to students.
The physical book can be purchased via email:
Price: R$70.00 for members and R$80.00 for non-members
SBCS launches e-book to rescue the memory of its founders
Still celebrating its 75th anniversary, completed in 2022, SBCS has just launched another book in the series about its history, counting, once again, on the dedication of a partner interested in rescuing and preserving its memory.
This time, Julierme Zimmer Barbosa, professor of Soil Sciences at
Federal Institute of Southeastern Minas Gerais, sought the stories of the founders of SBCS, the pioneers who, in 1947, helped bring together people interested in the progress of soil science in Brazil.
The e-book is available free of charge on the SBCS website,
Topics in Soil Science are now available in e-book format
The Topics in Soil Science series is a successful initiative by SBCS to offer researchers, students and teachers reviews of relevant topics written by big names in Brazilian soil science. 11 volumes have already been released since its creation in 2000. Volume XII will be released during the Solos Floripa 2023 Congress.
The first volumes were out of print and are constantly in demand. Therefore, SBCS decided to re-release the first three volumes, only in e-book format to facilitate access for all interested parties. Volumes I, II and III of the e-books can now be purchased for just R$18.00 in the SBCS Virtual Store. Soon other volumes will also be made available in this same format.
Check out the contents of the e-books and the names of the authors of the published articles.
SBCS Northeast Center makes available proceedings of all Northeastern Soil Science Meetings
The proceedings of the I to VII edition of the Northeastern Soil Science Meetings are available on this website, in PDF format.
VII Central-West Soil Science Meeting is successfully held in Goiás
The Central-West Regional Center (NRCO) of the SBCS held, between the 24th and 26th of May 2023, in Goiânia, the VII Central-West Soil Science Meeting and the IV Symposium on Plant Nutrition in the Cerrado.
The event’s central theme was “Soil science in the context of regenerative agriculture” and discussed advances and obstacles to soil science in the region.
The Meeting registered the presence of 469 participants from 13 Brazilian states. They had access to 18 lectures and the presentation of 146 approved scientific works.
The event has been taking place periodically since 2011, having already been held in the cities of Jataí-GO, Rio Verde-GO, Barra do Garças-MT, Chapadão do Sul-MS and Goiânia-GO, respectively. In 2021, due to the pandemic, it was held online and is available on the SBCS YouTube channel.
The new board of directors of the Southern Regional Center is sworn in
In January, the new board of directors of the Southern Regional Center of the SBCS (NRS) took office, which now has Professor Pedro Alexandre Varella Escosteguy, from the School of Agricultural Sciences, Innovation and Business at the University of Passo Fundo, as its director.
The election took place during the XIV Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting, held in November, in Florianópolis.
The new board’s main objectives are the creation of regionalized textbooks for the subareas of Soil Science; update the Liming and Fertilization Manual for the States of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina; create and maintain NRS communication channels; define, together with researchers linked to the NRS, the main lines of research in each sub-area of soil science; work with public and development agents to facilitate financing resources for priority research for RS and SC, consolidating the NRS as a communication channel between these bodies and researchers and forwarding demands from SBCS members. The following members make up the board:
Director: Pedro Alexandre Varella Escosteguy (UPF)
1st Deputy Director: Researcher Fabiano De Bona?(Embrapa Trigo)
2nd Deputy Director: Paulo Ivonir Gubiani (UFSM)
1st Treasurer: Jackson Korchagin?(CESURG)
Secretary General: André Amaral?(Embrapa Trigo)
Board of directors: Cledimar Rogério Lourenzi, Tales Tiecher, Maurício Vicente Alves and Leandro Sousa da Silva
Further information on the NRS website.
Eastern Regional Center has new board
The Eastern Regional Nucleus of the Brazilian Soil Science Society, formed by members from the states of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, elected its new board of directors for the 2023/2025 term. Check out:
Director: José João Lelis de Souza (UFV)
1st Deputy Director: Marcos Gervasio Pereira (UFRRJ)
2nd Deputy Director: Danilo de Lima Camêlo (UFES)
Treasurer: Felipe Haenel Gomes (UFLA)
Secretary: Michele Duarte de Menezes (UFLA)
SBCS congratulates the new directors of the Regional Centers, wishing them mandates with good achievements in favor of soil science.
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